Turbulent Teens
A guide for parents to build resilience
According to Young Minds charity, adults who experienced four or more adversities in their childhood are four times more likely to have low levels of mental wellbeing and life satisfaction.
Our natural response as parents is to shield our children from adversity, to provide a safe space where they can achieve their best, free of obstacles and negative influences.
The fact is, adversity is a natural part of life and rather than shelter young people, we believe we should support them to become more resilient, capable of managing their physical and emotional health, so they can face challenges with confidence and determination.

The Ark has a wealth of knowledge in identifying and treating the emotional and physical health issues young people experience. Read on for guidance on how to nurture some of the most common symptoms your child may encounter.
Exam/School Stress
Most of us can remember the pressure we felt as we studied and sat exams. Not only were we overwhelmed with information covering countless subjects (and expected to regurgitate it all at the same time), we had the trials and tribulations of adolescence to deal with…family life, fitting in with friends, teen romances, haywire hormones and fights with siblings.
If your child is approaching or in their study phase and you see signs of some of the symptoms below, they may be experiencing ‘exam stress’.

- Lack of concentration
- Problems sleeping
- Irritable and frustrated
- Feeling anxious
- Run down or unwell
- Tummy ache
- Low mood
- Anger issues
Products for exam stress...

Some of the health benefits of taking Magnesium may include balancing moods, fighting depression, lowering premenstrual symptoms for women, reducing tiredness as regulating blood sugars, treating migraine headaches, boosting exercise performance, regulating sluggish digestion.

Rhodiola Rosea is a unique herb traditionally used to help the body cope with stresses and strains of modern life. It creates balance. This product is suitable for vegetarians.

Jan de Vries Flower Essences are extracts of flowers that traditionally work rapidly but gently on the emotions and can be taken alongside other medication.

Passiflora Complex is a herbal tincture containing Passiflora incarnata and Avena sativa. It is a food supplement which is particularly useful for supporting those prone to worrying or feeling ‘under pressure’, helping to maintain a healthy response to stress.

L-Theanine may help to calm the nervous system, improves alertness, relieves stress, and may give a better quality sleep.

Some of the health benefits of taking B-vitamins may include helping energy levels, brain function, digestion, mood, and stress levels.

Many of us have experienced the feeling of our ‘stomach turning’ when we are nervous, anxious or scared. The gut plays an important role, not just in digestion, but also in regulating our nervous system. Messages are sent from the brain to the gut bacteria and the environment here affects our physical as well as mental health.
Our highly experienced team at The Ark can help you find natural solutions to support you with a specific issue your child is encountering.
Treatments for exam stress...
Useful resources for exam stress
For you:
- Help your child beat exam stress + video from teens sharing tips (NHS)
- The Teen Toolbox - Equipping parents and teenagers with the tools for navigating adolescence (Book)
- Talking to your teenager (NHS)
- Young Minds Parents Helpline (for supporting children under 25)
- Pembrokeshire Schools youth worker support
- Teen Toolbox Facebook group for parents
For your child:
- Coping with pressure at school (Young Minds)
- Tips for combatting exam stress (Student Minds PDF)
- Tips for managing the pressure and stress at exam time (Childline)
- Exam stress facts and tips for teens (Health for Teens)
- Mental wellbeing audio guides to boost mood (NHS)
- Looking after your mental wellbeing (Student Minds)
- Apps to support your mental health (NHS)
- Get The Boys A Lift - Pembrokeshire based mental health support
- The remedies featured here are non-addictive.
- The advice above is not intended to replace that of a medical professional.
- Please seek medical advice if your mood or condition worsens or does not improve within 2-4 weeks.
The younger generation are often advised to ‘enjoy it while they can’ as once their student years are over, they’ll have ‘real life worries’ to deal with. In some respects, this isn’t entirely fair as the journey through adolescence can be as tough as adulthood.
Not only are our children getting to grips with learning new things every day, they are continually dealing with issues such as peer pressure, body image, fluctuating hormones, relationships and more recently, the questionable sustainability of their environment.
If your child is showing signs of the symptoms listed below, they may be experiencing some form of anxiety.

- Lack of concentration
- Problems sleeping
- Poor diet
- Feeling nervous
- Tummy ache
- Low mood
- Low self-esteem
- Self harm
Products for anxiety...

Some of the health benefits of taking Magnesium may include balancing moods, fighting depression, lowering premenstrual symptoms for women, reducing tiredness as regulating blood sugars, treating migraine headaches, boosting exercise performance, regulating sluggish digestion.

Rhodiola Rosea is a unique herb traditionally used to help the body cope with stresses and strains of modern life. It creates balance. This product is suitable for vegetarians.

Jan de Vries Flower Essences are extracts of flowers that traditionally work rapidly but gently on the emotions and can be taken alongside other medication.

Avena Sativa (Oat plant) helps to be calm and relax when feeling worried and anxious. Easily absorbed with or without food. Suitable to take over a period of extended challenges.

Some of the health benefits of taking B-vitamins may include helping energy levels, brain function, digestion, mood, and stress levels.

Many of us have experienced the feeling of our ‘stomach turning’ when we are nervous, anxious or scared. The gut plays an important role, not just in digestion, but also in regulating our nervous system. Messages are sent from the brain to the gut bacteria and the environment here affects our physical as well as mental health.

Cannabidiol or CBD is one of 113 identified cannabinoids in cannabis plants and accounts for up to 40% of the plant’s extract. In 2018, clinical research on cannabidiol included preliminary studies of anxiety, cognition, movement disorders, and pain.

Passiflora Complex is a herbal tincture containing Passiflora incarnata and Avena sativa. It is a food supplement which is particularly useful for supporting those prone to worrying or feeling ‘under pressure’, helping to maintain a healthy response to stress.
Our highly experienced team at The Ark can help you find natural solutions to support you with a specific issue your child is encountering.
Treatments for anxiety...
Useful resources for anxiety...
For you:
- Anxiety in children - Guide for parents (NHS)
- Parents Helpine discusses how to help your child with anxiety (Young Minds tips & video)
- Anxiety conditions (Anxiety UK)
- The Teen Toolbox - Equipping parents and teenagers with the tools for navigating adolescence (Book)
- Talking to your teenager (NHS)
- Young Minds Parents Helpline (for supporting children under 25)
- Pembrokeshire School youth worker support
- The Teen Toolbox Facebook group for parents
For your child:
- Anxiety basics and how to manage worries (Health for Teens)
- Tips and videos on how to manage your anxiety (Childline)
- Video: Young people share what living with anxiety is like (Young Minds)
- 5-4-3-2-1 Calmdown exercise
- Anxiety/Panic attacks and how to manage them (Mind)
- Mental wellbeing audio guides to boost mood (NHS)
- Looking after your mental wellbeing (Student Minds)
- Apps to support your mental health (NHS)
- Get The Boys A Lift - Pembrokeshire based mental health support
- The remedies featured here are non-addictive.
- The advice above is not intended to replace that of a medical professional.
- Please seek medical advice if your mood or condition worsens or does not improve within 2-4 weeks.
Low confidence
Whether your child displays introvert or extrovert behaviour, it doesn’t necessarily align with the confidence and self-esteem levels they are experiencing inside. Confidence comes from within and a lack of it can present itself in many guises.
It is essential that your child establishes an identity and maintains a level of self-worth to support and enrich their journey through to adulthood.
If your child is showing signs of the symptoms listed below, they may be experiencing low confidence or self-esteem.

- Lack of concentration
- Feeling anxious
- Low mood
- Digestive issues
- Low self-esteem
- Eating disorders
- Bullying
- Body image
Products for low confidence...

Some of the health benefits of taking Magnesium may include balancing moods, fighting depression, lowering premenstrual symptoms for women, reducing tiredness as regulating blood sugars, treating migraine headaches, boosting exercise performance, regulating sluggish digestion.

Jan de Vries Flower Essences are extracts of flowers that traditionally work rapidly but gently on the emotions and can be taken alongside other medication.

Cannabidiol or CBD is one of 113 identified cannabinoids in cannabis plants and accounts for up to 40% of the plant’s extract. In 2018, clinical research on cannabidiol included preliminary studies of anxiety, cognition, movement disorders, and pain.

Essential Fatty Acids (Omega oils) have many functions in the body and are essential as the body cannot produce them. They play a role in oxygen transport, thus providing energy and helping brain functioning. Research suggests they help depression and ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder).

Some of the health benefits of taking B-vitamins may include helping energy levels, brain function, digestion, mood, and stress levels.
Our highly experienced team at The Ark can help you find natural solutions to support you with a specific issue your child is encountering.
Treatments for low confidence...
Useful resources for low confidence...
For you:
- Supporting your child's self-esteem (Young Minds)
- Understanding self esteem and how to 'get it' for your teenager (Relate)
- The Teen Toolbox - Equipping parents and teenagers with the tools for navigating adolescence (Book)
- Talking to your teenager (NHS)
- Young Minds Parents Helpline (for supporting children under 25)
- Pembrokeshire Schools youth worker support
- The Teen Toolbox Facebook group for parents
For your child:
- PODCAST: Dr Chris Williams helps you to replace negative thoughts with more positive thinking.
- VIDEOS: Young people talk about overcoming low confidence/self-esteem (Health Talk)
- What is Self Esteem and how can I build it? (Mind)
- Building confidence & self-esteem (Childline)
- Confidence and Self-Esteem: The Facts (Health for Teens)
- Mental wellbeing audio guides to boost mood (NHS)
- Looking after your mental wellbeing (Student Minds)
- Apps to support your mental health (NHS)
- Get The Boys A Lift - Pembrokeshire based mental health support
- The remedies featured here are non-addictive.
- The advice above is not intended to replace that of a medical professional.
- Please seek medical advice if your mood or condition worsens or does not improve within 2-4 weeks.
Low mood
The NHS tells us some studies show that almost one in four young people will experience depression before they are 19 years old.
Depression is often described as having a low mood or feeling low and it can affect young people in various ways, exposing minor symptoms such as irritability or lack of energy through to the extreme, such as self-harm or suicidal thoughts.
Whatever the severity, it can be soul destroying for young people and if you notice your teen displaying any of the symptoms below, they may be experiencing low mood or depression.

- Lack of concentration
- Problems sleeping
- Irritable & frustrated
- Run down or unwell
- Feeling anxious
- Low mood
- Lack of energy
Products for low mood...

Some of the health benefits of taking Magnesium may include balancing moods, fighting depression, lowering premenstrual symptoms for women, reducing tiredness as regulating blood sugars, treating migraine headaches, boosting exercise performance, regulating sluggish digestion.

5-HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan) may help with panic attacks, anxiety, depression and nightmares as they may all be linked to low levels of serotonin.

Jan de Vries Flower Essences are extracts of flowers that traditionally work rapidly but gently on the emotions and can be taken alongside other medication.

The Government now advises for everyone to consider taking vitamin D supplements because it is difficult to get enough from food alone. It not only helps musculoskeletal health but also is known as the feel-good vitamin as it lifts the mood.

Avena Sativa (Oat plant) helps to be calm and relax when feeling worried and anxious. Easily absorbed with or without food. Suitable to take over a period of extended challenges.
Our highly experienced team at The Ark can help you find natural solutions to support you with a specific issue your child is encountering.
Treatments for low mood...
Useful resources for low mood...
For you:
- Depression in children and teenagers (NHS)
- Your guide to supporting your child with depression (Young Minds PDF)
- Supporting your child with depression (Young Minds)
- Video: Teens, parents and counsellors give advice on dealing with teen depression (Parentchannel.tv)
- The Teen Toolbox - Equipping parents and teenagers with the tools for navigating adolescence (Book)
- Talking to your teenager (NHS)
- Young Minds Parents Helpline (for supporting children under 25)
- Pembrokeshire Schools youth worker support
- The Teen Toolbox Facebook group for parents
For your child:
- The warning signs of depression (Health for Teens)
- Your guide to depression (Young Minds)
- Symptoms of depression and how to get help (Young Minds)
- Facts, symptoms and getting help with feeling sad (Childline)
- How to help a friend with depression (Health Talk)
- Mental wellbeing audio guides to boost mood (NHS)
- Looking after your mental wellbeing (Student Minds)
- Apps to support your mental health (NHS)
- Get The Boys A Lift - Pembrokeshire based mental health support
- The remedies featured here are non-addictive.
- The advice above is not intended to replace that of a medical professional.
- Please seek medical advice if your mood or condition worsens or does not improve within 2-4 weeks.
Teenagers experience an abundance of emotions during adolescence and one of the most challenging can be anger.
Often, the cause of a ‘temper tantrum’ can be directly linked to an historic or recent event and as a parent, you can take positive action to talk your child through the issue. Sometimes, an angry outburst can take the onlooker by surprise as well as the young person experiencing it.
If you notice your child experiencing any of the symptoms below, it’s important to spot the signs of anger, understand why it happens and know how to tackle it together.

- Short temper
- Tantrums
- Irritable & frustrated
- Loss of friends
- Lack of concentration
Products for anger management...

Some of the health benefits of taking Magnesium may include balancing moods, fighting depression, lowering premenstrual symptoms for women, reducing tiredness as regulating blood sugars, treating migraine headaches, boosting exercise performance, regulating sluggish digestion.

Jan de Vries Flower Essences are extracts of flowers that traditionally work rapidly but gently on the emotions and can be taken alongside other medication.

Avena Sativa (Oat plant) helps to be calm and relax when feeling worried and anxious. Easily absorbed with or without food. Suitable to take over a period of extended challenges.

Rhodiola Rosea is a unique herb traditionally used to help the body cope with stresses and strains of modern life. It creates balance. This product is suitable for vegetarians.
Our highly experienced team at The Ark can help you find natural solutions to support you with a specific issue your child is encountering.
Treatments for anger management...
Useful resources for anger management...
For you:
- Video: Parents helpline share how to respond to anger (Young Minds)
- Dealing with Child Anger (NHS)
- How to cope with teen aggression and arguments (NHS)
- The Teen Toolbox - Equipping parents and teenagers with the tools for navigating adolescence (Book)
- Talking to your teenager (NHS)
- Young Minds Parents Helpline (for supporting children under 25)
- Pembrokeshire school youth worker support
- The Teen Toolbox Facebook group for parents
For your child:
- Why am I angry and how can I deal with it (Childline)
- Your guide to dealing with anger (Young Minds)
- Video: Dealing with anger - young people share how (Young Minds)
- 7 Ways to stop your anger running away with you (Health for Teens)
- Mental wellbeing audio guides to boost mood (NHS)
- Looking after your mental wellbeing (Student Minds)
- Apps to support your mental health (NHS)
- Get The Boys A Lift - Pembrokeshire based mental health support
- The remedies featured here are non-addictive.
- The advice above is not intended to replace that of a medical professional.
- Please seek medical advice if your mood or condition worsens or does not improve within 2-4 weeks.
Request A Call Back
Our highly experienced team at The Ark can help you find natural solutions to support you with a specific issue your child is encountering. Drop us a line to briefly describe your challenge and we’ll call you back as soon as we can (for a 10 min chat).

- The remedies featured here are non-addictive.
- The advice above is not intended to replace that of a medical professional.
- Please seek medical advice if your mood or condition worsens or does not improve within 2-4 weeks.