Overnight Oats

What will this recipe make?

Quick, easy and filling breakfast as long as you remember to prepare it the night before. You can adapt the ingredients to your heart's content with more or different nuts, seeds and dried fruit.

Whose recipe is this?

Lise Matthews
1/2 cup of rolled oats 1 dessert spoon chia seeds 1 dessert spoon milled linseed 1 dessert spoon hemp seeds 1 dessert spoon dessicated coconut 1-2 chopped apricot or some golden berries or sour cherries Small handful of chopped walnuts Small handful of mulberries 1/2 tsp maca powder 1 dessert spoon of grated ginger root Juice from a slice of lemon 1/2 tsp cocoa powder Sprinkle of cinnamon 1 tsp cocoa nibs
Place all ingredients except the last three into a bowl and soak overnight in enough water to just cover the ingredients. In the morning, add the remaining ingredients and your milk of choice (e.g. almond, coconut or oat milk. Bon appetite!

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Overnight Oats

Quick, easy and filling breakfast as long as you remember to prepare it the night before.
You can adapt the ingredients to your heart’s content with more or different nuts, seeds and dried fruit.

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